Mind At Large

Reillydonovan Collaboration, Installation, Interactive, Virtual Reality 0 Comments

June – July 2018 Currents New Media, Santa Fe, NM December – February 2018 Interstitial Gallery, Seattle, WA Collaboration with Brandon Aleson generationloss.click/ & Ben Van Citters benvancitters.com Mind at Large is the concept Aldous Huxley presents in The Doors of Perception, arguing that psychoactive drugs disable the filter of consciousness and allow for an enlarged perception of reality. Taking …

Notice Of Proposed Land Use Action

Reillydonovan Collaboration, Installation, Interactive, Virtual Reality 0 Comments

September 17, 2016 Seattle, WA Art Hack Day Seattle Collaboration with Jacob Fennell www.jacobfennell.com In 48 hours Jacob Fennell and I made an immersive 15′ x 15′ Virtual Reality Art installation for Art Hack Day Seattle. Notices of Proposed Land Use Action signifies a revision, and at times a proposed erasure of spaces. These notices of erasures have all been …

Luminous Analemma

Reillydonovan Collaboration, Installation, Virtual Reality 0 Comments

Luminous Analemma is a Virtual Reality artwork made in collaboration with Brandon Aleson that was featured in the group show, Giant Steps, curated by Greg Lundren on exhibit at King Street Station in Seattle, WA.  It consists of two Oculus GearVR headsets suspended in a space with a directional speaker pointing straight down above the headset.  When a user puts …

Hypnagogic Hypnopompia

Reillydonovan Interactive, Personal, Virtual Reality 0 Comments

June, 2016 Santa Fe, NM Currents New Media Festival Hypnagogic Hypnopompia is an immersive Virtual Reality artwork exploring the state of consciousness between being awake and being asleep, recreating a fractured dystopian dreamscape for its audience. The work combines the Leap Motion, Oculus DK2, Kinectv2, Videogrammetry, and Photogrammetry to construct a fragmented world mixed up by subconscious flares that determine …