Mirror Symmetry

Reillydonovan Installation, Interactive, Personal 0 Comments

September 2018 Bellwether at Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA bellwetherartsweek.org Mirror Symmetry is an interactive art installation that translates participants into vibrating strands of energy. In theoretical physics, mirror symmetry is a situation where two completely different geometries exist as equivalent forms when applying the extra dimensions described by string theory. The installation applies this concept by mirroring the diverse …

Hypnagogic Hypnopompia

Reillydonovan Interactive, Personal, Virtual Reality 0 Comments

June, 2016 Santa Fe, NM Currents New Media Festival Hypnagogic Hypnopompia is an immersive Virtual Reality artwork exploring the state of consciousness between being awake and being asleep, recreating a fractured dystopian dreamscape for its audience. The work combines the Leap Motion, Oculus DK2, Kinectv2, Videogrammetry, and Photogrammetry to construct a fragmented world mixed up by subconscious flares that determine …

Brane Xels

Reillydonovan Augmented Reality, Installation, Interactive, Mixed Reality, Personal 0 Comments

January, 2017 Mount Vernon, Iowa Cornell College June, 2016 Santa Fe, New Mexico Currents New Media November, 2015 Seattle, WA Dendroica Gallery Installation & Mobile AR Art Application by Reilly Donovan Brane-Xels is an exploration into the relationship between developing cosmic theories and emerging forms of visual art portraiture experienced through the canvas of augmented reality. The work integrates generative …

Figura Extempore

Reillydonovan Installation, Interactive, Personal 0 Comments

May 4, 2016 seattle, wa Artsfund @ the Westin January 2014 – October 2014 seattle, wa Cornish College of the Arts installation during an artist in residency for the IETI institute all artwork by reilly donovan www.figura-extempore.com Figura Extempore is an interactive art installation that digitally draws the outline of people and objects that enter and exit its space. As …